Thursday, April 26, 2007

15 months

Today is our 15 month LID anniversary, yup 15 months of waiting. Hopefully we do not have another 15 months of waiting! Rumor has it that referrals shoudl be here next week but it looks like it will be another small batch and that will only set us
further back. I am resigned to a 2 year wait and anything earlier will be a pleasant surprise.
I watched American Idol last night and of course I cried through most of it. It was the "GivingBack" show and they raised money for children who live in poverty around the world. It is unimagianble that we have children in the US that live in the conditions that look like a third world. The show also spotlighted the orphans in Africa. I wish there was more that we could do. One day I would like to volunteer in orphangaes around the world and hold as many babies as possible. As I watched the show last night I could not help but think of Lily and hoping that she is being kept warm, fed and most importantly being held. No matter how hard this wait is for us it is harder on all the babies.

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