Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lazy Blogger

I guess I lost all motivation to blog after the dismal month of referrals. This past Monday we received the "official" word that the cutoff was indeed January 9th. I am still hoping for a July referral but I am not as sure about it as I would like to be. The adoption community believes that the Olympics are playing a big part in the slowdown at this point. I never thought in a million years that with a 1/26/06 LID the 08 Olympics would be impacting our adoption. I keep reminding myself that back in January I prepared myself not to even get a referral until the fall, so if it happens in July then that would be a nice surprise. For the rest of this month I plan on enjoying the spring weather and hopefully by the end of the month my hours at work will be cut back. I have some big plans this spring, including teaching Shea how to ride his bike without training wheels! By the beginning of May the next batch of referrals will be here and my 1/10 friends will be seeing their babies for the first time!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I still "feel" July for your family and sending all my good wishes your way for it to be a reality!!! :-)