Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rumors...They have started

Referrals should be arriving early next week. The rumors are in full force. Our agency had a 1/10 LID and I have friends with the same LID so I REALLY want that date to be included. I am ok with the 10th being the cutoff BUT there are rumors that the 13th is included. IF the 13th is included then we are getting a June referral!! I've been on this roller coaster long enough to know that early (good) rumors are usually never true but I still can't help but feel so excited! I just need to hope for the 10th and then I will not be disappointed!!


Anonymous said...

just catching up on your blog. i hope rumor queen is right!!! hope you are feeling better.
britt ;)

Anonymous said...

All fingers and toes are crossed!
