Saturday, January 19, 2008

Winter vacation

We just got back from a few days away. We went to Sunday River, in Maine, for a little family vacation. Patrick and myself got on skiis for the first time in 6 years and the boys spent a lot of time in ski school. My legs are still burning, Shea can officially ski and Bryce has no fear of skiing but stills need to learn the whole stopping thing! It was a great 3 days away and I even managed to stay off the computer for most of the time. This was definitely something that would have been much harder to do with a little one with us so it was nice to take advantage of the time we have with just the boys. Shea was a star and by the end of the 3 days he was able to ride a chairlift and ski down the mountain. I was teary eyed watching him come down the mountain. I LOVE to ski and haven't done it in so long and have lots of memories skiing as a kid with my family. It was so hard to believe that MY son was skiing with me! Bryce was a trooper and did well in ski school but still needs to learn the art of stopping. We did take him up the chairlift but getting down was no easy task. Having a 40 pounder between my legs was not easy! Enjoy the pics..

Shea and I at the top of the mountain

Bryce coming down with the help of the instructor.
Here comes Shea.. second from the back.

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