Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

No pictures! I had to have my camera overnighted to me because I left it at a friend's house and UPS never delivered it yesterday. The good news is that my in laws let me borrow theirs but it is the "old fashion" kind so I can't download the pictures. The boys were adorable and had a blast! Bryce was Scooby Doo and his tail would wag between his legs whenever he walked and Shea was a transformer. So now I need to start throwing away the candy or we will be eating it until next Halloween!!

Our agency confirmed yesterday that the cutoff for referrals this month will be December 8th. I REALLY wanted it to be at least December 10th but 8 days is more than the CCAA has done in a while. I am always tryng to stay optimistic and December 8th is actually not that bad. I am still thinking that we could get a referral in April and that is only 5 months away!

Our friends who received referrals last month are now waiting for TA. TA is travel approval and once you get that you can book your flights. We are really hoping they can travel in December. The waiting never ends until we have our daughters in our arms!


Anonymous said...

love your blog! who is your agency? Mine doesn't tell us anything!!

Melissa said...

Hi Judy,

I am using Wide Horizons For Children. The past 2 months they have told us the cutoff before referrals were sent. It is nice to know and I hope it continues!